Wednesday, September 28, 2011


My 25th Birthday is in 11 days, I will be spending the time in the car, which is kind of disappointing. It would be nice if someone would throw a party for me, just a little get together with friends. You know make my birthday special, but I am afraid that probably won't happen. My sister has decided to throw her husband a suprise birthday party, for his 40th birthday that weekend. Yeah, I know I should be happy, which I am I will get to see everyone but it's a little upsetting to me since his birthday isn't until December. I understand she wanted to make sure there was no way that he would think that she is having a party for him. But was there really no other weekend available? When I tried to talk to her about it, I asked her why she had his birthday party on my birthday weekend. I got the response of well unless you birthday changed then it's not on your birthday. "yes, but I have to spend 5 hours in the car on my birthday to come home." "well you can stay till Monday then" and this was the end of our conversation about it. I just wish she would of thought about me too a little bit. I guess I am really pretending to be happy about it, I am excited to see them, but at the same time it affects the way I would like to spend my birthday, especially with a bigger birthday of 25. I know it's not as big as 40 but I just kind of feel like my special day wasn't even taking into consideration.... :(
Birthday's are special in my family and last year was really nice, it was nothing big just enjoyable. I had family around, my older brother picked me up from my house, we all had dinner together, our favorite local pizza, got to watch my favorite disney movie (Beauty & the Beast), my favorite Chocolate Zucchini Cake, and my fiance drove an hour after working all day to spend the evening with me.
I guess I am feeling overshadowed by everyone else, like I always did for so long. People didn't know that my parents had 5 children, it's like I never existed. Which is probably why I am having such a hard time with this, I finally feel like I am not overshadowed and I guess I don't like going back to that feeling.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


At work ... I am so tired right now. Our dog took off on my husband this morning, first I was trying not to acknowledge it because I didn't want to get all worked up I just wanted to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking of where he was I was really hoping I would just hear him at the back door. My husband called about 7:20 or so, about 25 minutes after our dog had initally taken off. He wanted me to go look for him....... not really impressed with this phone call, it was really like the last thing that I wanted to do. But got up and got dressed and went out looking, after about 40 minutes of me driving around town, my husband called me back and someone had found him. They had found him going down the expressway.... which was where I was at when I got the phone call, since our house parallels the expressway I was worried he ran up near the exit or on ramp. Which is what he must have done, but he was safe and found, so I had to go pick him up. When I arrived the man said his daughter had found him, along the expressway and he smelled and asked me if he was an outside dog. I told him no, he said oh well he smells. Come to find out he rolled in poop, which wouldn't be the first time, he's a beagle, so scents are his thing. So he rolled in poop which is why he smelled I left him outside, on his chain I didn't have time to give him a bath I had to get ready for work. I actually wasn't suprised that our dog took off this morning, he was wanted attention and I knew he would take off if he wasn't tied up and didn't get enough attention. This whole situation is just a little irritating to me, because I listen to my husband he never takes off on me, it's always you. We have been gone a lot too and I have learned to recognize when he is yearning for attention but obviously not my husband. Anyone else out there know what I am talking about when I say that you pay attention and learn the habits of others when to stay away or when they need attention? Pets or Humans?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thoughts on the mind of young women

This weekend I had taken my niece to her volleyball game, where one of my best friends is helping the team. This friend and I have been through a lot, the loss of family members, moving, living together, life stepping stones, graduation, marriages, baby's, break-ups and make ups. I have know her since kindergarten and she is an AMAZING person,  and I am so lucky to have someone like her in my life. Anyways, back to my original thought, we were talking this weekend during one of the matches and we started talking about babies. She starts telling me how she had seen a baby in the stands on her way in and how she just had that maternal instinct of wanting a baby, but then had a reality check shortly after. It was nice to know that someone besides me had the exact same feelings. She was saying everything that I have been feeling lately. You have moments during the day where you want to have a baby with the person you love. I know I would love to look at our child and just see my husband in them. But right now in our lives it is not the most conducive time for a baby. It helps that the scariness of having children is getting less and less for me, with each passing day, it probably helps that I think about having children on a daily basis. If you would of have asked me a month ago about having children I was scared, being in charge of another human life is a big deal. Plus, I am not quite ready to give up the freedom that I have right now.

I think about having children more and more these days, since I am married now, I especially end up thinking about having kids since I end up being asked about children on a daily basis. It doesn't help things that we have friends that are in our circle of people we see everyday. So that doesn't help things, it just puts those thoughts in my head more times during the day. 

Intro to our world.

Hello everyone!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am trying something new out, I have been thinking a lot about writing lately and thought I would give blogging a try. 
First let me introduce myself, my name is Christine I will be 25 in two weeks.... which still seems weird to me, it doesn't seem like I should be that old. It seems like yesterday I was just having my 16th birthday getting my driver's license and having cupcakes with the 1st grade classroom that I was an aide for, but alas I am really 25.  

In May of this year I finally married my high school sweetheart we have been dating since 2/2/01. We are crazy in love and hope to start a family in the future, planning on at least a year but if it's meant to happen it will happen. We have decided to wait on having children for a few years, because of a few things. One, we have had a very busy year, we bought our first house in December and it is SO nice not to be moving every 6 months, it gets old fast. I graduated college April 30th with a degree in Liberal Studies with Minors in Sociology and Social Work. My husband (who has had his captain's License for 3 years) was finally able to captain the boats for the company he works, they finally had openings. Finally, we had gotten married in May and everything that goes along with a wedding, parties, planning, shopping, and dealing with people trying to run your wedding. 

I love crafting, cooking, spending time with my family and friends, watching movies, music, reading, and spending time with our puppy Cooper, he's not really a puppy he's 9 but I like to call him a puppy.